Herbert De Wayne Miller
Born: October 5th, 1952
Died: March 22nd, 2019
Obituary for Herbert "DeWayne" Miller
Herbert “DeWayne” Miller was born on October5, 1952 to Charles and Ellen (Shorty) Miller inSallisaw, Oklahoma. He went to be with the Lord onMarch 22, 2019. DeWayne attended local schools and graduatedfrom West High in 1972. He was very athletic andcompeted in wrestling, football and baseball. Hishobbies included motorcycle racing, where he wonmany competitions, and old cars. Thankfully hiswife Carolyn also enjoyed old cars. They traveled tomany car shows in their 1937 Ford Humpback.DeWayne… enjoyed spending time with all his family.He was a hard worker and would help anyone thathad a need. During his years of employment heworked for Foundation Medical Care and KernDelta Water District. Those left to remember him with love: Carolyn. his wife of 32 years; daughterElyssia (Shaun) Sims, daughter Carolyn (Brandon) Himenes and son Charles(Mariah) Miller. Grandchildren: Jacob and James Sims, Payton and CalebHimenes. Brothers and best friends: Larry (Ronda) and Gary (Dawn);mother-in-law Frieda Driskill and brother in law David (Becky) Driskill andmany nieces and nephews. DeWayne is now strumming his guitar or playing his harmonica in heaven.