Gregory Earl Prickett
Born: June 10th, 1959
Died: December 31st, 2017
Obituary for David Gregory Prickett
…Our beloved Son, Brother, Dad, Grandson, Uncle, Nephew, Cousin and Friend…. David was born on Monday, May 16, 1977 at Riverside (CA) General Hospital, to his beautiful mother Terri. He weighed 10 lbs. 14 ozs. And was 23 ½ inches long. He was the very first grandchild born on either side of his parents families. He had large amounts of thick red hair, and even larger amounts of adorable personality. Anyone who spent time with David very quickly fell in love with him! David was thrilled when… he became a father himself with the birth of his daughter Victoria on Sept. 12, 1995. David left this earth on June 25, 2015, at Bakersfield, CA. He was interred in the presence of his family plus numerous friends and loved ones, on Monday, July 6, 2015, at Shafter (CA) Memorial Park. His last conversation with his mother on Monday June 22: “(Mom) Son, you know Dad and I love you very much”. “(David) I know mom. I love you guys too”. His last words to his father was via a text on Fathers Day: “(David) Happy Fathers Day Dad”, (Dad) thanks David. You too”.