Eleine Soriano
Born: June 13th, 1995
Died: January 9th, 2019
Eleine Soriano
June 13, 1995 - January 9, 2019
Eleine Soriano
June 13, 1995- January 9, 2019
Eleine was born June 13, 1995 in Compton, CA., to Esmeralda and Bernardo Soriano. In the summer of 2000 the family moved to Shafter in hopes of a fresh start and a new way of life. Eleine attended Shafter High School, where she excelled in academics and was very involved in numerous school activities such as swimming, basketball, art and she also participated in Folklorico dance. As a junior, she received runner up in the Distinguished Young Women competition and graduated in 2013 with honors.
Eleine was a free-minded, kind, loving soul and could achieve anything she set her mind to. She loved the ocean and all things outdoors. She was adventurous and could often be found boogie boarding/kayaking on the waves of San Diego, skydiving or climbing mountains. The sky was the limit, where she now smiles down upon us. She was blessed with many friends who admired Eleine for her loving spirit, she had a way of bringing out the best in everyone. Eleine loved going out dancing with her friends and hanging with her co-workers after work. Her laugh and beautiful smile were contagious and we were all lucky enough to have the time we had with her here on earth. Eleine’s faith with God was passionate and strong. She avidly read and embraced her book of mormon
The bond Eleine had with her family was indescribable, she had a very special relationship with her parents and 4 siblings and her affection towards them showed it. They enjoyed getting together often, exchanging life stories and just laughing.
Eleine is survived by her mother Esmeralda Diaz, father Bernardo Soriano, Grandmother Modesta Gaytan, Tio Cruz Diaz, Tia Gloria Diaz, step father Jorge Rivera, brother Roberto and wife Erica Soriano , brother Nestor Soriano, brother Bernardo Jr. Soriano and girlfriend Natalie Pinon, sister Pamela Soriano, sister Bernarda Soriano, Cousins Gustavo Galvan Diaz, Gloria Rubio Diaz, Miguel Rubio Diaz, Cristal Rubio Diaz, Juan Rubio Diaz, David Rubio Diaz, Ellie Rose Hernandez, Anna Soriano, Jessie Gonzalez and a bountiful amount of sisters, brothers, cousins, nieces and nephews.
Services will be held Sat. Jan. 19th 10:00 a.m. at
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 2309 9th Place, Wasco, CA.
Viewing will be held Sat. Jan. 19th at
Basham & Lara Funeral Care in Shafter, CA at 343 State Ave, Shafter.
From 4:00 p m to 8:00 p.m.
Graveside will be Sun. Jan. 20th 12:00 p.m.at the