Billy George Boyd
Born: December 29th, 1924
Died: June 4th, 2018
Obituary for Billy George Boyd
Billy George Boyd
12/29/24 – 6/4/2018
Billy George Boyd was born In Spiro, Oklahoma, on 12/29/1924 to parents Polly “House” Boyd and James Boyd. He was 1 of 9 siblings growing up on a farm in Spiro. He had four sisters, Pauline, Barbara, Mildred, and Lila. He had four brothers, Willard, Jim, Johnny, and Contzd.
Though times were sometimes hard, he often shared fond memories of his childhood.
Mr. Boyd entered the U.S. Navy on December 8th, 1943. He served as a Gunner’s Mate… on the great ship the U.S.S. Lexington (CV-16) also known as The Blue Ghost. He served his country proudly and sacrificially until the end of WW II and was Honorably Discharged as a Seaman First Class on December 28th, 1945. Just one day before his 21st birthday.
He was a proud WW II veteran and always wore a ball cap that stated this fact. He would take it off when he went into church and put it back on the minute he got back into his car. He had so many interesting war stories to tell, some were amusing, but then at times he would become quiet and thoughtful of all the things he had seen.
Mr. Boyd returned home to Spiro, Oklahoma, after his Military Discharge and there met Miss Vonzil West. They began dating and later married on April 29th, 1947. They soon moved to California and began a family. They raised two daughters Pam and Reyne and two sons Billy “Wayne” and Steven. Mr. Boyd supported his family well as a Diesel Mechanic and a Semi Truck Owner. He loved being a “trucker” and making those long cross country runs.
They remained married until the time of her death on March 19, 2016. They were married 68 years and 11 months.
Later in life, Mr. Boyd became a Christian, and was a member of the Wasco Free Will Baptist Church for 27 years. He would often witness to his family and friends, and had a great concern and desire to see them, as well as others saved. He often acknowledged that he only survived
The War by God’s Grace and Mercy.
He had a great sense of humor, loved Baseball, and at one time even had a chance to become a
Pro Baseball player after pitching a no hitter. He loved the fact that at the age of 92 he renewed his Driver’s License, after passing an eye exam, a physical, the written exam, and driving test. He had to be independent and that included being able to drive himself. He was such strong man.
Mr. Boyd, Our Dad, Our Papa, and friend passed away on June 4th, 2018, in Bakersfield, CA, still fighting to remain the strong, independent man, and proud WW II Veteran we, his children, had always known. He will forever be missed by his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great, great, grandchildren. He will also be missed by his church family and friends. He had two very special sons-in-the-faith that were faithful to visit, care for, and love him, they are Mr. Mike Miller and Mr. Juan Pelayo. One great granddaughter, Emily, (Sweet Pea as he called her) that was always there for him anytime he needed anything. They had a special bond and love for each other.
Mr. Boyd is survived by only two sisters, Mildred and Lila, both living in Norman, Oklahoma.
His children, Pam and husband Danny Scott of Wasco, CA, Wayne Boyd and Finance Barbara Coats of Shafter, CA, Steven Boyd and wife Michelle of Caldwell, TX, and Reyne Smith of Bakersfield, CA. His seven grandchildren, seventeen great grandchildren, and two great, great, grandchildren .